Thermal Expression of Eyelid Oil Glands
Thermal expression is a specialized treatment for a type of dry eye called Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). MGD occurs when the tiny glands in your eyelids that produce oil become clogged, preventing them from releasing the oil that keeps your tears healthy. The lack of healthy oils in your tears results in quick evaporation, creating ‘evaporative dry eye’.

What is Thermal Expression?
Poor tear quality (quick evaporation) leads to dry patches on the cornea
How Common is MGD?
Recent studies have shown that a whopping 86% of people with dry eye have MGD! If you’ve ever had sties or your doctor has recommended warm compresses and lid massages, you’re likely a good candidate for thermal expression.
Is Thermal Expression Right for Me?
While thermal expression can be highly effective, it’s not for everyone. To determine if you’re a good candidate, we’ll do a baseline dry-eye workup. This helps us see if expression is likely to benefit you and also manage your expectations.
What to Expect During Treatment
Thermal expression isn’t the most comfortable procedure, as it involves physically squeezing stagnant oil out of clogged glands. It’s also not cheap, typically costing between $300 and $500 out-of-pocket.
Thermal expression can clear obstructions in your pores; allowing us to clear out clogged glands

Thermal Expression FAQs
A: Regular compresses and massages are like brushing and flossing for your eyes. They’re great for daily maintenance, but they won’t clear clogged glands
A: We use a special microscope with an infrared camera to take pictures of your eyelid glands (meibography). This helps us see the extent of the clogging and determine the best course of treatment.
A: Many people only need one session, especially if they maintain good lid hygiene and do regular blinking exercises. Others may need it every 5-6 months.
A: LipiFlow is a more expensive automated treatment that costs around $1200-$1500. It provides the same treatment to everyone, while thermal expression can be personalized to your specific needs.
In Summary
Thermal expression is like a deep clean for your eyes, helping to clear blockages and revitalize glands before they get worse. It’s an effective treatment for preventing sties and can even be used on active sties in some cases.
Remember, early intervention is key! The sooner we address MGD, the better chance you have of keeping your eyes healthy and comfortable.
Talk to your doctor today to see if thermal expression is right for you. Or, if you’ve already done a recent dry eye workup at Cannon EyeCare, go ahead and book your thermal expression appointment now.