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Forensic Eye Exams in Seattle, WA

Dr. Mark Cannon provides forensic eye exams to determine the extent and limitations of an individual’s vision. This exam type must be set up between a law office and Dr. Mark directly. It is noteworthy that not all cases will be accepted.

Forensic eye exams may be helpful in personal injury cases, criminal cases, or any legal case where there may be a question about what a party or witness was able to see. Dr. Mark is available for forensic eye exams on behalf of plaintiffs or defendants in civil cases, or for the defense or prosecution in criminal cases.

After the independent medical exam, Dr. Mark can prepare a detailed written report including optometric determinations pertinent to a case on a more-probable-than-not basis.

Should a case end up in court, it is important to know that Dr. Mark will work both sides of the court room in search of truth.

Contact Dr. Mark for a rate schedule and curriculum vitae.

When you are in the Seattle Metro and looking for an “optometrist near me”, we look forward to assisting you!