Glaucoma Evaluation & Management
If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma or have been labeled “glaucoma suspect” or been told you have “ocular hypertension” this appointment type is what you are looking for. Our doctors will want to get previous records sent if you have had glaucoma testing done elsewhere. This allows us to look at the big picture over a longer time period – so that we can provide the best care possible.

A glaucoma evaluation allows us to assess risk for patients who are “Glaucoma Suspect”. A glaucoma evaluation done on a patient already diagnosed with glaucoma allows us to monitor for further vision loss so that we can determine if current treatment levels are adequate.
Glaucoma is an eye disease and a leading cause of blindness. The intra-ocular pressure is increased, causing the optic nerve is injured.
An initial glaucoma assessment will involve a check of your eye pressure and evaluation of your optic nerves. It may also include dilation, photos of your retinas, pachymetry (checking corneal thickness via ultrasound) or visual field testing with state of the art equipment. This is a one-hour appointment and there is no way to perform all of those services at a single visit. Your doctor will be able to formulate a plan for getting all of this medical testing done within a month or three of you initiating care.
These services can be paid out of pocket or you can use medical insurance – vision insurance will not apply here. Medical insurance we take includes Premera, Regence, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Lifewise, Regence Group Administrators, HMA, Uniform Medical, BridgeSpan, and Group Health PPO plans.
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