Check Out Dr. Mark’s Blog
Many of our new patients seem surprised when we bring up dilation at their routine eye exams. Often they have never had their eyes dilated in the past, or it has been a […]
Eye doctors get asked about contact lenses on a regular basis. We hear things like: ‘Are contact lenses safe?’ ‘Am I a candidate for contact lenses?’ ‘Can you sleep in […]
Would it be best to see an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist? Most patients see an eye doctor annually (or more often as needed). But should you be seen by an Optometrist […]
So you see well pretty much all day, right? That’s great! You don’t want to mess with glasses because your vision is just fine, right? No problem. So you don’t […]
In early summer eye doctors are inundated with requests for prescription sunglasses and at least in Seattle, Soft Contacts. This blog post will discuss the plusses and minuses of prescription […]
Do you need an Eye Exam? Your eyes are rather complex organs, there are many different things that can go wrong and threaten your sight. Eye doctors are better at […]
Upneeq Eye Drops If you notice one (or both) of your eye lids starting to droop, what can be done about it? Sure, you could get a surgical consult with […]
Finding a Great Ophthalmologist in Seattle The medical specialty that involves eye surgery is ophthalmology, and the specialists who perform this care are called ophthalmologists. It can be hard to […]
Expert Witness in Optometry: Dr. Mark J Cannon Mark J Cannon, OD has been offering consulting services as an expert witness in optometry related to criminal and civil cases since […]
What are really the best foods for eye health? Oh, and eating carrots will improve your sight, right? The story about carrots making people see better in the dark dates […]